Customer satisfaction software for measuring customer pulse

SurveySense is a customer satisfaction software that helps you create and launch customer satisfaction surveys in just a few clicks, continuously measure and track customer satisfaction score (CSAT), collect customer feedback, and act upon it.

Trusted by 3,000+ organizations worldwide.
Feature Highlights

Measure customer pulse after any engagement with SurveySense.

SurveySense customer satisfaction survey software helps you discover how your customers really feel — are they satisfied or sticking with you until something better comes along?

View the full list of features
One-question survey (CSAT) icon
Online customer satisfaction surveys (CSAT)

Create and launch one-click customer surveys in minutes. Use smileys face, thumbs up/down, stars rating, and other engaging formats.

Multi-question surveys icon
Fully-customizable online multi-question surveys

Use our survey builder to create multi-question surveys with single-choice, multiple-choice, Yes/No, radio, and other types of questions.

Email Alerts to important customer feedback icon
Real-time email alerts on customer feedback that requires attention

Real-time email notifications on responses, scores and ratings (positive or negative) that require your special attention.

Out-of-the-box survey templates icon
Out-of-the-box survey templates for fast and easy launch

Ready-to-launch CSAT, CES and NPS survey templates created according to the customer satisfaction survey best practices.

Integrations icon
Native and custom integrations

Integrations with your existing tech stack — customer relationship management, marketing automation and support systems.

Customer survey analytics icon
Survey analytics and reporting

Fully customizable customer satisfaction (CSAT) dashboards and charts combined with advanced survey analytics.

In Action

Customer satisfaction software in action — create, launch, analyze and act upon customer feedback.

With free customer satisfaction software from Marcom Robot, you can measure customer pulse after using your product, service, or engagement with your team.

See how to create a customer satisfaction survey with SurveySense
One-question survey (CSAT) icon
Online customer satisfaction surveys (CSAT)

Create online customer satisfaction surveys (CSAT) in a few clicks.

You can create online customer satisfaction surveys in minutes with our step-by-step survey builder. Whether you prefer to utilize our survey templates or start from scratch, the choice is yours.

Customize fonts, colors, icons, messages, landing pages, etc., and ensure that the customer satisfaction surveys follow your brand design guidelines and tone of voice.

See how to create a CSAT survey with SurveySense
Customer satisfaction survey builder
Feature: Survey Blasts

Send customer satisfaction surveys (CSAT) directly from SurveySense.

Rest assured that you can send your customer satisfaction surveys directly from SurveySense. Simply connect your mail client to SurveySense, and schedule your survey to be sent at your preferred date and time.

Alternatively, if you prefer to utilize your email marketing tool or marketing automation platform, you also have that option. SurveySense seamlessly integrates with these platforms, allowing you to leverage your existing tool stack. Choose the method that suits your preferences and enjoy the ease and flexibility of survey distribution with SurveySense.

Customer satisfaction software dashboard
Feature: multi-device Support

Reach your customers across various devices.

With SurveySense you can deliver CSAT surveys across all your customer devices — desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile. This helps you capture valuable feedback from your diverse customer base with ease.

Customer satisfaction software dashboard
Feature: Customer Intelligence

Collect real-life feedback, and discover your advocates, passives and detractors.

SurveySense enables you to categorize your customers into advocates, passives, and detractors, giving you a clear picture of your customer's satisfaction level. You can prioritize your efforts — nurture loyal advocates, address passives' concerns, and resolve detractors' issues.

Customer satisfaction software respondents
Customer survey analytics icon
Survey analytics and reporting

Gauge customer satisfaction — track and monitor CSAT in real time.

Measure, visualize, and track customer satisfaction with our integrated CSAT charts and dashboards. Gain real-time insights into your CSAT, CES, NPS, or eNPS score dynamics and understand how your customers truly feel about their experiences with your products, services, or interactions with your team.

Create a dedicated CSAT dashboard for every support or customer success agent, and monitor the scores they're receiving from customers after every engagement. Our best-in-class reports and dashboards feature helps you stay informed and continuously make data-driven decisions to enhance customer satisfaction.

Customer satisfaction software dashboard
Email alerts to important customer feedback icon

Receive alerts on feedback that requires special attention.

Create a notification list for individuals who should receive alerts regarding specific positive or negative feedback. With our convenient email alert feature, you and your team can promptly assist when needed, reducing customer churn. 

Customer satisfaction software notifications
Integrations icon
Native and custom integrations

Trigger different workflows based on the type of feedback you've received.

Integrating customer satisfaction survey data with your other systems, such as CRM, helpdesk, or marketing automation tools, provides a more holistic view of your customers' experiences and preferences.

Utilize customer satisfaction survey data to identify gaps in the customer experience, personalize interactions, and make data-backed decisions to drive meaningful improvements.

Customer satisfaction software integrations
Customer Stories

Finally, customer satisfaction software that's actually easy to use.

Thanks to SurveySense's step-by-step CSAT survey builder, advanced analytics and real-time alerts, gathering customer feedback and measuring customer satisfaction is easier than ever. But don't take our word for it—listen to what our customers have to say.

How It works

How customer satisfaction survey software works — five easy steps to consider.

The five steps below provide you with a roadmap for maximizing the potential of your customer satisfaction software, whether it's SurveySense or any other platform.

Step I: Define the scope.

Before using customer satisfaction software, there are some critical decisions that you'll need to make. You'll need to define what you would like to measure — the quality of a specific process (i.e., support, renewal, etc.) or general customer satisfaction.

Step II: Create your CSAT survey.

Launching CSAT surveys is one of the most effective ways of measuring customer satisfaction. These are usually one-question surveys that are easy to build and fill out.

Depending on your planned scope, you might need one or several CSAT surveys (see Step 1). You should be good with one if you're measuring general customer satisfaction. But if you want to understand better how your customers feel about every major touchpoint, you'll need several — one for every significant touchpoint.

Step III: Send your CSAT survey.

You can send your customer satisfaction surveys via email blasts across your customer database, add one-question surveys to your staff's email signatures (i.e., support), place them on the website, etc. Simply select the option that works best for you and your business.

Step IV: Collect and visualize the results.

Your customer feedback tool needs to be able to collect and aggregate responses to your CSAT surveys. It should also provide an easy way of creating dashboards and reports (i.e., CSAT by support operator).

Step V: Make improvements. Repeat.

Measuring customer satisfaction (CSAT) and customer loyalty (NPS) is crucial to understanding how customers feel about your products and services.

There's no doubt that thanks to regular CSAT surveys, you'll be able to discover valuable insights and improve your business process to go above and beyond customer expectations.

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