3 Steps to Calculating Your CSAT Score
In this blog post, you’ll learn how to calculate a CSAT score in three steps using CSAT survey responses of any scale — 1 to 3, 1 to 5, or 1 to 7.

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Calculating CSAT is a relatively straightforward process. Yet, since three different scales of CSAT survey responses can be used in the calculation, it may be confusing.
Your customers' individual CSAT score ratings range from one to three, one to five, or one to seven, depending on your scale for your CSAT surveys. The lowest score (one) represents "very dissatisfied," and the highest score (five or seven) represents "very satisfied."
Step 1: Get yourself familiar with the CSAT score formula
To calculate your CSAT score, you need to know the two main parameters used in the CSAT score formula:
- The number of “satisfied” responses
- The total number of responses

Step 2: Calculate the number of satisfied responses for your scale
At this point, you may be thinking — “what are satisfied responses?”. Here’s how to calculate the number of satisfied responses:
- If your customers rate their satisfaction using a 1-3 scale in your CSAT survey, responses rated at 3 are considered “satisfied,” while those at 2 or lower are not.
- If your customers rate their satisfaction using a 1-5 scale in your CSAT survey, responses rated at 4 or 5 are considered “satisfied,” while those at 3 or lower are not.
- If your customers rate their satisfaction using a 1-7 scale in your CSAT survey, responses rated at 5, 6, or 7 are considered “satisfied,” while those at 4 or lower are not.
Step 3: Calculate your CSAT score
Below, you will find three real-life examples of calculating the CSAT score based on responses to CSAT surveys using three different scales.
3.1. How to calculate your CSAT score if your CSAT survey uses a 1-3 scale
For the first example, let's say you received the following 75 responses for your CSAT survey, which had the 1-3 CSAT scale:
- 3 (Satisfied): 49 responses
- 2 (Neutral): 16 responses
- 1 (Dissatisfied): 10 responses
Since the CSAT calculation only considers the satisfied responses, any response other than “3” does not count. Using the CSAT score formula, we can calculate our CSAT score:

CSAT Score = 49/75*100=65%. Is 65% a good CSAT score? Check out the What is a Good CSAT Score? blog post to get the answer.
3.2. How to calculate your CSAT score if your CSAT survey uses a 1-5 scale
In the second example, let’s say you received the following 125 responses for your CSAT survey, which had the 1-5 CSAT scale:
- 5 (Very Satisfied) - 65 responses
- 4 (Satisfied) - 40 responses
- 3 (Neutral) - 10 responses
- 2 (Dissatisfied) - 8 responses
- 1 (Very Dissatisfied) - 2 responses
Since the CSAT calculation only considers the satisfied responses, responses other than “4” and “5” do not count. Using the CSAT score formula, we can calculate our CSAT score:

CSAT Score = (65+40)/125*100=84%. Is 84% a good CSAT score? Check out the What is a Good CSAT Score? blog post to get the answer.
3.3. How to calculate your CSAT score if your CSAT survey uses a 1-7 scale
In the second example, let’s say you received the following 178 responses for your CSAT survey, which had the 1-7 CSAT scale:
- 7 (Very Satisfied) - 10 responses
- 6 (Satisfied) - 38 responses
- 5 (Somewhat Satisfied) - 52 responses
- 4 (Neutral) - 56 responses
- 3 (Somewhat Dissatisfied) - 14 responses
- 2 (Dissatisfied) - 8 responses
- 1 (Very Dissatisfied) - 2 responses
Since the CSAT calculation only considers the satisfied responses, responses other than “5”, “6” and “7” do not count. Using the CSAT score formula, we can calculate our CSAT score:

CSAT Score = (10+38+52)/178*100=56%. Is 56% a good CSAT score? Check out the What is a Good CSAT Score? blog post to get the answer.
4. Calculating your CSAT score with SurveySense
Now that you know how to calculate your CSAT score manually, check out how easy it is to calculate your CSAT score with SurveySense by Marcom Robot. This CSAT survey tool calculates CSAT, NPS, CES score automatically and in really time based on the CSAT survey responses that it collects for you.
The key benefit of using a CSAT survey tool such as SurveySense, is that you can view your CSAT score dynamics. It's nearly impossible to do this manually. With SurveySense, you can create your one question customer feedback survey in minutes, send it out, and calculate your CSAT score — all with SurveySense.